Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

I am 38 today. No bells and whistles, no magic wishes. Just a birthday. But in saying that I am happy, I am relaxed and comfortable within myself and very content.

I am looking after my God twins at the moment, they get picked up by their Mum this afternoon and go back to Katanning. I do not get to see them very often so when I went down to Katanning to visit Lea and the kids, I brought them back with me on Thursday morning. 4 days of multiple kids. I baby sat a friends boys on Friday, so there is 6 kids, last night we had dinner at a friends home whom have 3 children....and I can still say I am happy and content!!! The delusions are worse than thought!

I have managed to get a little sewing done. I finished my Capricorn 2008 BOM. I did not realise that it was a 16 block BOM, and down loaded 15 blocks, then put the top together, sandwiched and quilted it. Then I check and found the last block...mmmm bugger. So that last block is now the label!! Always a way around these things!


Bea said...

Wonderful quilt!
The 16. block is a design from a friend - she made it as a surprise! I haven´t known this!
A wonderful blog. Well, I visit you again! :-)))
Happy stitching

Bea said...

Sorry! Sorry! I forgot!
H A P P Y BIRTHDAY to you!!!

Terri said...

Happy cake day to you for the 25th - better late than never.
Still can't understand why you won't fly back from your holiday for Collingully though - (evil grin)
Love you
Terri xx