Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back for a visit

I have realised that I have not posted for a wee while. I am now totally medication free but I tend to tire very easily and I would have thought my body would have adjusted to this by now. Mentally I feel fine, I have discovered how to know the real belly laugh because something is funny. I also cry if I watch something sad. I had not had the extremes of my emotions for so long. Just being. Just doing, just....

I have come back from a weekend away with the girls, Fairbridge, just outside of Pinjarra. Quilting of course, mind you I spent much more time at the house sleeping and resting as I have got this nasty flu type bug. Such a fine picture if you will indulge me....I had an afternoon nap, and woke feeling SO cold and shivery, I was freezing. So the girls decided to play dress ups. I got given a long woolen coat to put on, then told firmly to sit on a chair with a quilt on then I was wrapped up in it. The heat pack was reheated and put on my lap. I was then given gloves and a beanie to put on. I looked like a bag lady, so I was kindly informed. Much giggling was to be had at my expense, but all in good nature, as only friends can do. I just needed the shopping trolley, and maybe the brown paper bag and a couple of cats!!!

We are on the next stage of the renovations. The wall is complete. We (Dave) has painted the cornices in the lounge white, he will do the ceiling next. The kids had great fun in helping to pull up the old carpet after Dave and Levi moved all the furniture out under the patio. We will get and buy the new carpet this week, so that after we have painted we can get the new carpet laid and the room will go back together. The kids are under threat of death if the even think about eating in the lounge when it is finished!!!!

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