Sunday, August 10, 2008

Murphy..who invited him?

You know Murphy is not a nice man at times. We had family dramas between siblings on Friday night that rocked my foundations. I worked on Saturday and I managed to old things in check until I was balancing the till, we had children running around yelling and in general making a lot of noise. Not being naughty but just being.

My side kick in my job came into the office and said "Hi, how are things?". I just shook my head and said nothing when she patted my shoulder, well that was it the flood gates opened and I sobbed, and sobbed, and, well you get the idea.

So I let out all the emotion that I had left from Fri night and was left feeling rather drained. I decided retail therapy was a good idea. DD wanted to join me. OK positive it is only 1 child and we can have quality time. Yes well, "I want"; "Can I have"; "MUM????X!!!!" Is it to late to get a refund on her (or him for that matter?) But that is OK I survived, managed to get me a nice outfit and the kids some new clothes and we enjoyed quality coffee and cake. Back to the car.

"Hello Murphy". The battery had died in the remote for the alarm for the car. OK we can look at this one of two ways. Yay for me, I rang Dave he was at home and could come to help. So we sat by the car in the sun reading a book until my knight in shining armour arrived, well a dusty work van at least. Could be worse.

Today woke with a rotten headache, I am off my antidepressant medication totally now. I had my last tablet on Thurs so I an having some withdrawal side effects that and hormones ohhh good mix, NOT. But this is alright I can get there. I check Sarah's hair head lice AGAIN no problem I love dealing with a 7 yo carrying on while I debug her hair again for the 5oth millionth time. We then go to a family do for Nephew B'day. Zach gets his nose out of joint and upset because the nephew will not share the Pstation and play a two player game. Kids are so much fun.

We get home and "Hello Murphy" Zach goes to make himself a milo, pours the milk in and, ohhh I don't think milk is supposed to have lumps like that. The fridge is ptttthhhhtzzzt. Positive, we have a beer fridge in the shed that works well and we do have money as stand by for savings.

I am surprised, a lot of small things are being tossed our way and in a not good way. For the first time in forever my mind set can cope with these things, yes I might melt a little, yes I might yell, and yes other non important things are ignored until I/We can cope with or attend to them.

I have decided that Murphy is not an invited guest but with him here in our life my perspective is sharper than I remember it being. Maybe Murphy needs to be here as I am coming off my medication to remind me life has curves, twists and bumps. I can laugh at Murphy as I can genuinely laugh at myself now..And a perfect statement I heard from dears friends reminds me,


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