Friday, July 4, 2008

Did you miss me?

The rain is falling outside, quite heavily too, I must get up and turn on a light but this is the first time in a while I have managed to get time in front of the puter long enough to side and update the blog. So I will and sit by the light of the monitor and continue to type.

Last weekend I have a get away with 9 other good friends. We went to Collingully, in Meckering,, a wonderful "little" quilt shop with accommodation up stairs. We arrived around 330pm, after having to buy a new rear tyre in Northam, it had a 4" nail in the tyre that had eroded the inside away. Lucky to not have a blow out on the way, and of course the spare was in the boot, which was full with quilting essentials.

On arriving, after unpacking the car, I proceeded upstairs to put on my PJ's, of which I remained in all weekend!!! I showered Sat and proceeded to put on clean PJ's. Between us all we catered for the weekend, so every now and then we would get up reheat the next meal and then continue with the sewing.
On the weekend I manage to put together the majority of my scrappy oriental coins, need now to add borders. I then started to cut out the bits I needed to make the block for my Applewood BOM, "Pinwheels and Posies". I made 4 blocks of each. I then started to work on the Hydrangea flowers, 12 in total plus 72 leaves (not pictured).

I also stated to piece a bolster pillow that Lynley and I are working on. We will be working on it Saturday afternoon.

This last week I have started to decrease my antidepressants, I am hoping that I can come off them all together. My life style has changed a lot as well as my mental out look, and I feel that I am in a good place to try. I will have to go back to the Drs when I am on the lower dose to check my progress. At the moment I am alternating two doses to cut down, in another week I will be on the lower dose totally, should be interesting...that will be when I am hormonally challenged!!! Bring on TKD and the boxing bag!!!

Oh speaking of TKD I had grading two weeks ago and I am now a Yellow belt 2. Zach is a Red belt 1 and Sarah a Blue 2. David is a white belt in Kick boxing and has had his first lessons in the class....he was a little sore afterwards...oh I can empathise with that......I had days after I started fitness that I had trouble walking! The things we inflict of ourselves!!

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