Thursday, September 2, 2010

Half way- glass half empty, glass half full

24 hours ago or even a little longer the glass was half empty, heck it was not even worth having that pitiful amount of milk in the glass. The withdrawal had hit the low point, nausea, extreme lethargy, and all I wanted to do was cry or throw things or curl up in fetal position or do all at the same time.

I was so on edge...every noise, from wind to cars to the about feeling paranoid, it was all bad omens. I then decided to take .5mg of Valium. It sheared the edges right off. I was able to potter, get dinner out of the freezer, sew a couple of border strips, finish the binding on the kitty cats wall hanging.

I made fairy cakes for the kids sports carnival and even iced them today. I could take the kids to school. The other day I could neither collect them nor could I have even taken them to school. They ended up staying the night at their Nanny and Granddad's and they did the before and after school run so I could rest. Rest I did, but I did not stay in bed and sleep, although I wanted to.

I am into the 2nd week of the wash out now, this time next week the medication will be out of my system and I can start the new tablets...I am going to have my weekend away with the girls before I start the tablets though. I want to be at home with family before I start the new medication.

My glass is half, half full, and any space in that glass is for me to keep filling, day by day, moment by moment if I have to.

I thank all my friends for reaching out...and letting me reach out to them.


1 comment:

Kate said...

That glass half full is looking good will get better as each day goes gentle with yourself and know how much we love you and are here for you,,,Love always AK xxxxxx