Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March madness and lifes journey

Alright...I must be aging, I am sure I blinked just a moment ago and it was February and I was laughing about the cat pooping in DH shoes.

I had my High School reunion back in February, 20 years, where did that go? Out comes the hair colour..buggered if I am showing my roots!!! Open the wardrobe, shut the wardrobe, open the wardrobe, shut the wardrobe, open the wardrobe and figure well this is what I am so may as well use what I have. To say that I was apprehensive before the reunion is a bit light on but I was not anxious and unlike my 10th year reunion I did want to attend this time.

There were people at the reunion, I did not recognise, I guess I did not have anything to do with them in year 12, or they have changed a lot. There were people there that I did not want to recognise or talk to, but unlike 20 years ago, I did not give a damn about them, their opinions or views. There were others there that I did recognise and I greeted them with open arms and genuine interest in their lives over the years.

I don't think we look to bad for +20 years.

I have changed a lot in the last 10 years with the last 2 - 2 1/2 years being the biggest and greatest change for the better, my power of growth and healing, to me, is phenomenal. Life is a journey that opens and closes many doors. I have finally figured out that some times I just have to find the key to unlock a door that is important to me...and it usually is the door that leads me onto a journey about self discovery so that I can move forward.

I have not got a lot of sewing done in the past 3 weeks. I have managed 1 block for my flowers in my garden quilt. All the blocks for this are traced and ready to go. Now I just need to find time!
I have also got my material for my Colorado Wedding Quilt, a pattern from Pam Bono. I have had this pattern for at least 2 years and have only just recently found the materials I want to use.. I think I will start this quilt after our holiday as time is passing quick and I would like to at least finish one or two small projects in this half of the year instead of starting another one. Any way my flowers int he garden will be a long term project at the rate I am travelling.
And besides I really do need to do some house work occasionally, VERY occasionally.

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