Monday, April 6, 2009

Look who are growing up. Little Miss is 8 now and Master is 10. We are at a wedding here. The children decided while Mum and Dad were to congratulate the lucky couple that they would conquer the Evil Emperor The Bark Lord, as you can see by their smiles they were triumphant in the quest for justice!

I have been sewing heat packs and bags for Zach's class in the last few weeks. They are having a Mothers day stall at school, raising money for the end of year sleep over camp that they are having. The more money raised, the more money that I / we will save in our pockets.

Time slowly passes and we get closer to our holiday, 11 weeks roughly. All the tours are booked fort he West Coast and we will just see what happens when we arrive in Boston. I do have a list of things that I think would be good to doo while we are there...just need to get a list of quilt shops together for me!!!

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