Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Month Gone

Where does the time go?

Well this month has seen a high school reunion. 20 years ago I finished high school. It does not seem that long, sure sign that I am surely aging. It was good catching up with old friends and faces, but I can emphatically say, NEVER NEVER AGAIN would I want to do high school. I do not envy the kids.

Came home from hair cuts yesterday afternoon, walked in to the house, and OMG....the smell. Gag. The cat got shut into the house..the kids and I turned the kitchen area upside down, pulled out furniture, lifted, looked. searched, wandered the house, narrowed the aroma down......

Needless to say the bin will be getting a gift and DH will be getting new shoes.

A friend of mine is due to have a baby around the same time as we go away, so I have made her two quilts, one for the cot and one for the pram. Unfortunately I will not get to see the baby and Mum at the time of birth, so will have to wait until the September hols. Most rude of her to have
the baby due when we are going away.

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