Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1 week. A long 7 days, but 7 days all the same

1 week. That is how long it has been. 1 week, 7 tablets, support, understanding and self forgiveness. How much is under rated I wonder. Not by me. My flu symptoms are gone. I am still tired but working on beating that!! Sleep is a wonderful ally.

I am feeling so much better. I can smile, I feel calm and capable of coping. I was still tense on the weekend..had trouble coping with a family gathering, but it was with all of my family that understand.

I now realise that I was drowning more that I gave myself to admit. But who of us like to admit fault? Hey I have grown up with a Dad who is "PERFECT and WONDERFUL" or so he told any one who asked how he wasn't I supposed to be the same?

I realise, NO WAY!!! But I can tell people I am great and good and lovely!!!! Like father, like daughter! Stiff upper lip, that is what I perceived on how I was supposed to be. Huh. Laugh at that one, I think not. Day by day I am just being me, what ever shape that takes.

I had my TKD grading last night. I am now a Blue belt. That in itself is no task to be undertaken lightly....kicking, punching, patterns, self defence, ending up on the floor!!! I have been going for 12 months now. To say that I am proud of myself is an understatement. Even when I was drowning I kept going. I have to admit I had stopped enjoying it and was finding it a chore. There is fun back in TKD now, already, even after this short period.

I managed to finish one project last month: This is a small wall hanging of a snow scene...the snow was french knots but I decided to use seed beads for the glitter effect. I sent it to the US for our friend Lisa and Tom for their Christmas gift.

Speaking of the US, we booked and paid for the tickets two weeks ago. So now we have tickets, travel insurance but no spending money or accommodation! We will book the hotels in the new year. Try to save up as much as we can for that. Hoping the US $$ gains some ground as the current exchange rate hurts, especially when it was not that long ago that it was nearly $ for $.

For my friends I thank them for being there no matter how silent. I am sorry if I caused any hurt for the worry that some have felt, but this was a way for me to expres myself, something I have not done for a long time. It was a way to let out my hurt, I have kept things bottled up, no wonder I am a little nutty, but then again who among us isn't slightly on the twisted side!!


Terri said...

Way to go Kiddo! Your life makes me tired just reading about it and struggling with the other on top of it and admitting you are struggling is a great step to be taking. You go You!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2009! It will be a better year for us all. Love you heaps.

Bea said...

What a wonderful design from the snow scene! Love it!