Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring has sprung...In Autumn????

Well, last night was a dream evening. DD 1 was at a sleepover. DH and DS1 went into Subiaco to go see a show, I had the house to myself, no TV blaring, just my music, my sewing and my computer. Aaahhh bliss. A dear friend popped in around 8:30 to sit and sew with me, thanks Lynley. Then the boys came home...there endeth the peace...TV with sub going crash, boom, bang..and that was just the adverts!

As DH and I settled for the evening after Lynley left (12.30) he stated with a definite voice (the voice that you know the decision will not be altered), that he was going to rearrange the house today/tomorrow, (Sunday morning) it too late to make plans for the day.

Now the home is not a filthy one but we have hundreds of dust bunnies blowing through out plus the dust that has settled on surfaces (which are way to cluttered) because I have not dusted for a little while ;)We start at 10ish and we finished about an hour ago, so around 5.5 hrs. Oh boy did we clear a lot. The bins are full, we were ruthless, broken toys, torn books, ornaments that we just had no home for, even furniture that we have no place for any more.
The computer desk was in the other room, where the bookshelves now are. It was placed in the front room while we were shifting stuff. It is now in the study...but that is for another day..........

1 comment:

Lissa Jane said...

a hubby that suggests cleaning???? and actually helps???
*picking self up off floor*
I hope you saved those dust bunnies, I have enough here to make a queen sized batting!

take care petal!